THB/10-I Emergency Escape Breathing Device
Date:2020-06-09 Click:397 Share to:

THB/10-I Emergency Escape Breathing Devices
1Emergency escape breathing apparatus (EEBD) is based on the IMO MSC.98 (73) adoption of the resolution, on July 1, 2002 as required by mandatory type "international fire safety systems" design and manufacture of marine products.
2)This product is certified by the CCS and EC.
3It consists of compressed air bottle, pressure reducer, pressure gauge, gas ducts, hoods, backpacks and other components, can provide individuals more than 10 or 15 minutes of constant gas, available in a toxic, hazardous, smoke, oxygen environment personnel escape use.
Cylinder Volume:2.2L
Working Pressure:21MPa
Duration of Usage:≥10min