Doppler speed log

Product discription
1. Confirm to IMO MSC.334 (90). Has CCS certificate.
2. Pair-beam system effectively reduces error caused by pitching.
The transducer assembly symmetrically emits tow sonic beams, one fore and the other aft.
By averaging the Doppler shift in both directions accurate speed data is available under rough sea conditions.
3. Speed and distance information on the bright 7-inch TFT display
4. Speed output to RADAR, ECDIS, AIS, VDR, GMDSS equipment, etc.
5. Fully meets SOLAS carriage requirement for ships over 300GT.
Product specifications
Measuring System
Paired-beam Doppler log,1MHz
Display Unit
7'color LED 320*240 pixels
Speed Rang:
Fonward:0-40kt,0.1kt steps;Astern:0-10kt,0.1kt steps
Distance Run
0-999.99900 nm
Speed Accuracy
2kts or 2%, whichever is greater
Water Depth
Deeper than 3m
Power Supply
AC110/220v (±10%)
Equipment list
Display unit:DS901(Standard)
Distribution unit:DS902(Standard)
Transceiver unit:DS903(Standard)
Inner-hull tank:DS906(Standard)